

Meta-ebook NFTs

This is to inform *YOU* that *Goldenswap introduces 50 unique first of it's kind Meta E-book "The meta-Universe" which contains details about the METAVERSE and it's monetization Principles 

Goldenswap's Goody bag NFTs

Major Benefits of owning a Goody bag NFTs
1. Owners of this NFT get to experience Virtual & Augmented reality first-hand
2. Goody bags contain rare items ranging from Virtual property to Augmented Goldenswap T-shirts which will appear on your camera after scanning the NFT code (cool right?)
3. The virtual properties owned are majorly Land and Hodlers will have access to the Motherland immediately after it launches.

Goldenswap virtual Academy

Enroll into the G.V.A and access the full possibilities of the METAVERSE.

Registration is Active.

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